The Delta Companies Is Recertified by The Joint Commission

The Delta Companies (TDC), a leading staffing firm for healthcare professionals nationwide, announced it has been certified by The Joint Commission’s Health Care Staffing Services (HCSS) Certification program for the sixth time. According to The Joint Commission, this certification designates that a staffing firm delivers qualified, competent staffing solutions. If a firm is HCSS certified, it’s because it has proven it “demonstrates commitment to a higher standard of service” and “provides a framework for structure and management within the organization,” according to the organization’s website.
Reviews for re-certification are announced and focus on a firm’s leadership, human resource management, performance measurement and improvement, and information management. The on-site reviews take place every other year. This year, TDC earned a perfect score.
TDC’s certification ensures clients and candidates that the firm follows industry best practices, such as conducting quality assurance checks on all provider candidates, keeping accurate medical and drug screenings on file, and ensuring that performance reviews take place during an assignment or placement. TDC’s HCSS certification benefits healthcare facilities, which are also certified, by ensuring business continuity and streamlined onboarding.
“Delta Healthcare Providers has completed its sixth audit with Joint Commission, which makes this our 10th consecutive year of certification,” said DeLibra Wesley, EVP of Operations for TDC. “The Joint Commission audit for 2018 was a tremendous success, as we received a perfect score with zero deficiencies. Our continued dedication to safety and excellence at Delta Healthcare Providers ensures that the facilities we connect with are provided with the best, most qualified candidates possible.”